Diablo 3 profile parser

Diablo 3 is a very popular massively multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG), by Activision Blizzard Entertainment. With the latest patch, the option to browser through profiles and characters has been given, but the option to get the page as XML (which was available in the respective functionality of World of Warcraft, another product of the same company) was not given.

This project is a PHP class that parses the profile page, and returns all the data in an object. It is still in active development.

Nodequeue tricks - Per section block

I assume that if you've build a relatively large site, you've stumbled on Nodequeue by now ( summary: it allows you to create lists of arbitrarily ordered nodes ). But clients always had a thing for imagining things that are normally tricky to do, and one of them is to create a block that has arbitrarily ordered content per section of the site, usually by taxonomy term.

Twitter module while stuck with PHP 5.1.6

Building a new site today assumes that everything social should come with the box -- not even in it. Within the first question a client asks is how this whole twitter-thing works, and how he can use it. Of course Drupal provides modules to integrate with these, but what if you're stuck on a host  "playing it safe" and sticking with PHP 5.1.6 ( that is, all RedHat, CentOS providers that won't use custom compiled packages )?